Getting Started in Paleo/Primal: | The Best Paleo CookBook

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Getting Started in Paleo/Primal:

Personally I find the hardest thing to beginning something new is the getting started part. Often times it really is hard to know where to start and what to do. Well first things first, let’s start out on the web. I am going to list some websites that I frequent and that helped me and still help me. I would greatly suggest you check them out and get your feet wet.

Here we go:

1. Mark’s Daily Apple
2. Latest in Paleo
3. Paleo Hacks
4. Free the Animal
5. Archevore

There ya go. That will be more than enough to get you going for days and help you acclimate yourself with the process. One of the things that you will notice when you stop poisoning your body with carbs, gluten, and sugar, is that for the first few days to a week or so, you`ll probably be a bit of a grump until your blood sugar normalizes. The way I weaned myself off of the carbs and sugar was to supplement my diet in the beginning with some good fresh fruit. I found that filling the gaps with a couple of oranges or bananas in the beginning really helped with the transition. As my blood sugar normalized, my sugary fruit intake naturally fell off. I still enjoy fruit but in more moderation.

The next thing I would recommend is that you get your significant other(s), be it your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend and or your family on board with your lifestyle change to not only make your transition easier, but to educate them on the Primal/Paleo way of life. Make sure they know what you are doing and what foods and drinks are out. Also, be prepared for some neigh saying, weird looks, questions, and even criticisms in the beginning. This is normal and like all of us, they have been fooled and hoodwinked by popular culture, mass marketing attacks, and the status quo for many years. It isn’t their fault. I really feel the assimilation in understanding by those close to you and even your coworkers is very important to early Paleo success.

Another thing I would suggest if you`ve not had a normal workout routing is to work into this portion of the lifestyle slowly to avoid burnout and fatigue, both physical and mental. If you are a couch potato don’t go out and try running five miles tomorrow. Do one of the most natural of human movements….walk! Go short at first and then increase your distance over time. Also start working in some simple bodyweight exercises like pushups and sit-ups. Remember that this is a lifestyle change and thus a marathon not a sprint. Forget the “instant gratification” you, me, and everyone else has become accustomed to and take your damn time!!

There is a little more to the recipe, but not really a whole lot more. The stuff I have listed here is what worked for me, a middle-aged father of two small kids with a long commute and stressful job. Make progress not excuses!

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