Diet and Nutrition Books Reviews | The Best Paleo CookBook

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Diet and Nutrition Books Reviews

The New Evolution Diet by Arthur De Vany

Arthur De Vany is 73 years old, 6 feet tall, weights 200 pounds with a body fat of about 6%. He also has amazing results for health tests that make his body “age” of about 30 years old instead of his actual 73.

In his book he talks about his story, how he developed his training system and diet over the course of 30 years. More importantly he talks about what he eats, why he eats it, the supplement that he takes and the kind of work out that he does.

It’s a book that I keep re-reading and lending to other people.


The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson

This book is an introduction to the hunter gatherer or paleo diet and lifestyle. Mark Sisson’s view is very laidback and open minded. It is easy to apply for everyone and this is how thousands of people got started on this kind of living. I personally started off by reading this book and I was amazed. I instantly changed my diet, and later on started exercising regularly.

I was already skinny and I lost 10 pounds I didn’t even know I had without any effort. I wasn’t really trying to but I am sure it would have been impossible to do it without the diet recommended in the book. I can not imagine how amazing results it would give to someone who has 30+ pounds to lose.

I recommend this book to anyone who isn’t fully initiated to the paleo lifestyle. You will lose weight and your health will improve dramatically.

Mark is also almost 60 years old and he’s in ridiculously good shape.

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